Monday, 29 October 2012

What exactly is a disaster preparedness plan, and how do you go about making one?

A disaster preparedness plan is a plan that you have for if some sort of disaster occurs. It generally consists of a sequence of actions that you will take to ensure that you remain safe, and it also involves putting together emergency preparedness kits.

Where do I start with putting together Home Survival Kits?

If you don’t know where to start, then you can go to stores or to online suppliers of emergency preparedness kits to either buy one of the kits that they provide, or you can use their contents to give you some ideas on what you may wish to include in your own emergency kit.

I know I need food, but what type?

Depending on the disaster type you may or may not have to leave your home. If you do not, then you will have all of the food that is already in your kitchen, although you may not have the means to cook anything if it is raw. Any fridge of freezer items that do not require cooking can be eaten within the first couple of days, then after this you can turn to your emergency food kit to keep you going.

The type of food that you will need is food that is not perishable and the longer the lifetime on a food type, the more useful it is as part of a home survival kit. Tinned foods freeze dried foods, and also foods designed for camping and mountaineering are good to have as they will have good nutritional content and good preservation lifetimes.

In addition to food, you will also need an emergency boxed water supply for three days, a basic medical kit and some basic pieces of equipment such as torches and a radio.

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